I don’t know about you, but I love weddings. I especially love to watch royal weddings. All that pomp and elegance and attention to even the smallest details is the stuff of which fairytales are made. As the wedding day of Prince William and Kate Middleton nears, the hype will increase and the excitement will build. I’ve already seen several sites where you can purchase “wedding souvenirs” to decorate your home. Most of us will probably bypass these purchases, but many of us will take this opportunity to add some “royal touches” and elegance to our homes – if only to refresh our spirits after a somewhat long winter.

This spring we’re excited that we have some great new products and techniques to add elegance to your home while staying within your budget. Thinking of gold and jewels? The Paint Quality Institute reports that 2011 color trends show an increase in using metallic colors (like gold) and high sheen paints to update and brighten your living space. We also like adding pops of color as bold accents to otherwise neutral spaces. (Think  accent wall.) So if watching the royal wedding makes you want to add that touch of elegance to your home, we will help you implement your plan. After all, we all deserve a little elegance now and then!