I love the snow, but let’s face it, this was one really difficult winter! Driving a car involved nerves of steel and a good defense, and even getting to the mailbox became a full body sport (think climbing over the snowdrift to reach the red flag). But spring is finally within our grasp. The days are getting longer, the sun seems just a little brighter, and thoughts of breaking out of the everyday routine are getting stronger. If you’re lucky enough to have planned a spring vacation, you’re lucky enough! But what if you could make your home more like that vacation spot you’ve been dreaming of?
Some people bring home souvenirs from vacations, and others bring home decorating ideas. Recently we visited with some friends who frequently travel, both for business and for pleasure. Their home is very comfortable and inviting. They’ve learned how to incorporate their furnishings with objects brought home from their many trips to create a personal space that is warm and welcoming. They have a rug from Turkey, sculptures from China, and a really interesting painting done by an elephant! (Really, they have the photo to prove it!) I love relaxing at the beach, so when it was time to decorate our guest bedroom I immediately knew I wanted to use a soft hint of blue for the walls to suggest the feeling of a summer sky and ocean waves. We carried this color through to the adjoining bathroom, and after adding some sea-themed accents, our guest suite feels like a vacation by the sea.
When it’s time for your next vacation, pay special attention to the sights and sounds and aromas around you. Then imagine bringing some of these items back home with you. You may be surprised at how quickly you can develop a decorating plan. And wouldn’t it be nice to have your home feel as stress-free as your vacation spot?