Seven Tips for Selecting a Painting Contractor
Whether you are a first-time homeowner, or someone who has maintained their own home for many years, meeting with a painting contractor can feel overwhelming. Following these seven steps can
You may have heard textured ceilings referred to as “acoustical” ceilings or “popcorn” ceilings. Textured ceilings provide good sound absorption, or good “acoustics.” They are more commonly referred to as “popcorn” ceilings due to their bumpy appearance which resembles the yummy, buttery snack.
Unfortunately, that’s where the similarity ends. Textured ceilings can retain dirt and cigarette or fireplace smoke because they are difficult to keep clean. Not very appealing!
Perhaps more importantly, textured ceilings installed prior to 1980 may contain asbestos and should be tested.
Bringing color to Connecticut homes since 2004
Ceilings are often overlooked when considering the overall look of a room. Walls are important, of course. But ceilings – sometimes referred to as the fifth wall – can add interest to your home as well.
In stairways and other awkward spaces, it’s often hard to tell where the ceiling ends and the walls begin. These spaces require some extra attention.
Whether you are a first-time homeowner, or someone who has maintained their own home for many years, meeting with a painting contractor can feel overwhelming. Following these seven steps can
You spent a lot of time selecting the perfect paint colors for your house and you want the paint job to last forever. Unfortunately, it won’t. In general, you can
I’ve always thought of October as a kid-centered month. I suppose it’s partly because our twins were born in October. But this is also a fun month with pumpkins and
Cloudland Paintworks, Inc.
44 Cloudland Road
North Haven, CT 06473
Bethany Branford Cheshire Durham East.Haven Guilford Hamden Madison Meriden Middlefield Middleton Milford New.Haven North.Haven Northford North.Branford Orange Wallingford West.Haven Woodbridge