Get the Lead out: Lead-Safe certified renovations

what is lead paint and what Should You do about it?

You may have heard about lead paint and wonder what all the fuss is about. Originally lead was added to paint to provide durability, moisture resistance and great pigmentation of color. 

Despite the benefits, however, the risks turned out to be even greater. The use of lead paint was banned in 1978, but many older homes still have it. Luckily for you, all of our painters are lead-safe certified!


  • We know that price is important to you. But when you are dealing with lead paint, it’s important to choose a painting contractor based on their qualifications, not just their price.
  • Your sister-in-law’s uncle may be an excellent amateur painter, and he may give you a great price to paint your home. But if he isn’t lead-safe certified, he could unintentionally cause harm to himself and to you.

Bringing color to Connecticut homes since 2004

Keep Your Home safe

Cracked and peeling lead paint can cause health risks if not treated correctly. Before you hire a painting contractor, you need to know whether your house needs lead paint abatement (full removal of the paint), or whether using lead-safe prep and painting techniques will safeguard your house and your health.


Knowledge is power:

  • If your home was built before 1978 it should be tested for the presence of lead paint. 
  • You should obtain written information about lead paint safety. (We can provide you with information and take time to answer your questions.)
You want peace of mind:
  • Our professional painters are all lead-safe certified. Your health is just as important to us as the way your home looks.
  • We can make your home look great, and keep it safe!

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